Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Update

Fridays will be used for going over goals and where I stand in relation to them. Now that June is half over, I have gotten further away from my blitz goal of 800, and have regressed down to a score of 665. This looks bad, but I'm not concerned. I've been focusing mainly on my standard 30 minute games, so the blitz score has been neglected. The standard score has dropped, too, which is a little disheartening. It's down to 862 right now, even though I was up above 900 for quite a while.

Still, I'm not worried. My standard games have been tough. I changed my opponent search ratings, and I am facing a lot of higher quality players. I'm losing much more often than I'm winning against these guys, which is frustrating, but I'm confident that I am getting better. I'm seeing moves more easily, I'm able to set up forks and skewers with more regularity, and I'm better able to visualize moves into the future. I think it is only a short matter of time before I start beating these opponents and step up in class. I am even able to spot their mistakes at times and turn the tables on them, which is very promising for me.

So my scores are getting worse, but I'm getting better. While I'm not making progress as quickly as I'd like, I know that I'm slowly starting to understand the game better, and this is a good thing.

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