Friday, June 7, 2013

Goal Update

So when I started playing a few weeks ago, the original goal was to get all of my scores to 800 or above by the end of June. 800 is an indicator of a solid beginner, and I think this was a completely reasonable goal.

As of right now, my blitz score is the only mark below 800, and this stands at 647. My standard score, which I think is more indicative of my true ability, stands at 886. My other scores really don't have enough data to be worthwhile to look at.

Why is my blitz score so low? Well, blitz games, by definition, are 10 minutes long and under. I tend to play these when I don't have a lot of time, but I end up rushing through the games and this hurts me. I'll either be watching the kids and have to get up (I can't even tell you how many times I've lost close games because I ran out of time), or I am rushing to make my moves and don't see obvious blunders until it's too late.

So I'm pretty happy with my progress after not quite two weeks of playing. I am confident that if I play only when I know I have the time, I can boost my blitz score up over 800 in the 3+ weeks left in the month.

Once I hit my goals, I will be shooting for the 1,000 mark. I still have to evaluate a timeframe for this.

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