Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Literature Review Wednesday: Logical Chess

Logical Chess Move by Move: Every Move Explained is not a book in the traditional sense. Written by Irving Chernev several decades ago, this book looks at many famous chess matches and breaks them down in painstaking detail, explaining what the masters behind the games were thinking when they made their moves. Chernev also takes the time to list the pros and cons of each move and even lists what alternative lines may have produced for the players.

I thought that this book would be boring, but it's actually quite enjoyable. I haven't made it through all of the games yet, but the ones that I have read are written in an entertaining manner and they are very detailed--which is great for the chess player with a basic grasp on the game, but doesn't yet truly understand why some moves are better than others. This is right where I am with my game now, so this book is perfect for me.
I highly recommend this book for players just getting into serious chess. Chernev is very thorough with his explanations why the moves made are good or bad, and this line of thinking will eventually its way into your game. It's already starting to show with my play.

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